The temperatures were relatively mild in the latter part of winter, so may hives are looking similar to this. To do the split, start in the latter part of the day, by doing so you'll be taking more foragers.
Starting at one end, take out the first frame, after asserting there is no queen on the frame, place it upright near you. Slowly, move the remaining frames towards you. As you do, note location of both queen cells and the existing queen. If the existing queen is on a frame with queen cells, transfer frame into Nuc, gently move her onto Nuc frame. Return frame (with queen cells) to Deep.
Often there will be queen cells pupating on multiple frames.
Multiple queen cells. The ball like cell next to queen cells are Drone cells.
Drone cells protrude the surface Using your hive tool, cut out capped drones as a mechanical means of reducing the varroa mite.
5 Frame Cardboard or Wood Nuc Box.
Frame with queen, capped brood and workers. Remove this frame and place into Nuc box.
Drone and you sir, you're very attractive therefore, I will stare at you.
To the Nuc add 3-4 frames of this comparability, eggs, pollen, capped brood. capped honey. Be mindful of the Queen's location.
A Nuc worthy frame.
A split. Trade with another beekeeper.
After you've removed five frames from the Deep to start the Nuc, Move the remaining five frames of the Deep to the center----they need to stay warm so do this quickly---fill in the Deep with the five empty frames from the Nuc.
Hiving a Package
Package of bees Consider doing this GLOVE-LESS The probability of getting stung is rather low as the bees have nothing to defend quite yet.
Using your hive tool, take out the feeding can, set aside. remove the queen cage, there will be nurse bees on the cage, LEAVE THEM ALONE.
The number of nurse bees present on the queen cage will vary.
There is a cork closing off the queen cage entrance. Before you remove, have a replace substance ready, either a piece of moistened marshmallow or bees wax with honey.
After you remove the cork, place your finger over the opening until you have the replacement ready.
Once the replacement is in place the queen cage--with opening facing down and screen facing out-between middle frames.
The screen is facing out, this is imperative as the nurse bees need access to the queen for feeding, and the queen needs the air.
Place a second deep on top.
Rip off the screen of the package.
Place package inside the second deep. The bees will move out on their own accord. There is no need to shake them out! Please don't shake them out!